
Friday, July 22, 2005

Self inflicted

Once again, I am sick, and it's my own fault.

And the fault of wolf dates, or gou qi zi.

A few years ago, I got myself very very fever-ish after cooking a small pot of thick wolf date soup.

Obviously, not learning my lesson, I have had wolf dates in my dishes over the past few days, and yesterday's was the tipping point. So now, I am fever-ish and coughey.

BUT... cucumber will come to the rescue. It's liang2, and perfect to counterbalance the lua4 of the wolf dates, and hopefully, the yin will cancel out the yang, and I will be able to jump around in joy.

Food for today: only liang2 foods. And since the only liang2 food I know of is cucumber, the food for today may well be just cucumbers.

I hate being sick.

And cucumbers here aren't that nice either.


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