
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Troughs and upswings

Well, as an economist, I guess I should know what the bottom most point of a business cycle is called. I don't though, so I must be either a vocabulary-challenged economist, or more likely, the wrong type of economist. :p

Anyway, I expect it to be called the 'trough'.

Last night was the trough for me. Crying in bed; feeling unwanted, unhugged, uncared for, unnoticed, et cetera, et cetera.

In a sense, the annual trough is a good thing, for it's kinda like purgatory. After the trough, during the upswing, I see beauty and kindness everywhere.

I appreciate the concern that friends show me much more. Thanks Jon, Jonny, Omar and Wilson for helping me through last night. :)

The early morning warm shower becomes so much more of a pleasure. The songs of the birds become so so sweet. Chats with friends make me smile more.

I feel more cheery. :) And am singing along to Oliver.

Who will buy this wonderful feeling?
I'm so high I swear I could fly
Me oh my, I don't want to lose it
There must be someone who will buy.
Who will buy this wonderful morning?
Such a sky you never did see
Who will tie it up with a ribbon,
and put it in a box for me?


Who will buy the smell of flowers
waving in the moonlit breeze?
Who will buy the childrens' laughter
happily playing in the streets
Who will buy the heat of sun that's
shining in the deep blue sea?
Who will buy this wonderful feeling?
No one, cuz it's all for free.

Well, well. Positive thinking is the order of the day.


Well. *Hugs & Kisses*

Got to run off to work. :)


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