Quiet Monday
Today must be one of the most relaxing Mondays for a very long time.
Woke up late, had yummy Portuguese egg tart for breakfast. Went to bank, settled some administrative stuff. HAd chicken rice for lunch. Got supplies for boot camp. Read 'The United States of Europe'. Had a nice nap. Woke up, went to granny's. Had bak cho mee for dinner. Watched 'So you think you can dance'. And now, in front of this trusty old NEC laptop, typing away.
I thought of blogging about Singapore culture. Not many people go to boot camp twice, and I doubt that most of them do not have as contrasting experiences. This current one is proving to be a lesson on aspects of Singapore, Singaporean culture and Singaporeans. Aspects that I have known about but never quite observed firsthand. And also aspects of which I had no idea at all. An observation: Hokkien vulgarities tend to revolve around female body parts, but they seem to be more often used by those who crave proximity to females as well as female attention. If they want the 'cb' so much, why on earth is 'cb' deemed to be a vulgarity to be flung around as an insult?
Then I also realised something. I think I've been single for a year now. Not because I haven't met people that I like. Gosh, haha, I've met so many, and fortunately, a few who like me too, haha. But there hasn't really been the spark I guess, to really kickstart things. Maybe J was a one-off, no more for me? *shrug* It is precisely times like this, when I'm in this mad introspective and retrospective spin, that I kinda need someone's hand to hold, or maybe, haha, someone to sort me out.
Some day my prince will come
Some day we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go
To be happy forever I know
Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
Some day when my dreams come true
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