
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Eternal summer

Can someone please tell me why this was cut? Quite tame what ... ...

Here's the trailer and the 明白 MV. :)

It's on at cinemas right now. Go, go, go. :)


Blogger akikonomu said...

This wasn't completely cut out.

They merely shortened the pause where Shane was looking into Jonathan's eyes.

The long shot of the two bodies on the bed.

Where Shane began to kiss Jonathan's back, before he turned him over.

In other words, they cut out all the tenderness in the scene.

5:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have liked to view the trailer - however the Thai Government has banned YouTube.com from the Country! I expect the film was cut because it contains scenes that conservative (with a small 'c') Singaporeans would find irritating, because they don't believe homosexuals should exist, or it might just be that someone was chewing gum, and throwing litter on the pavement that has got the man with the big scissors out.

5:20 pm

Blogger akikonomu said...

Nah, they didn't believe that homosexuals should find sex a tender act. The scene was edited and cut so much it looked like a rape...

5:04 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

Wei sweetie, are you Seriously inviting ME to comment/bitch about how and why Your gov. cut it? ;-)

BTW - and This should let me know if YOU read what I-slash-we say - I will Probably surprise-visit SG in Sept for a few days.

Hint! x S.

7:16 pm


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