Yesterday, I adjusted my posture, like I do every 5 seconds or so while in front of the computer, and leaned sidewides, wanting to rest my left elbow on the desk next to the computer table. And there was nothing to rest on.
An hour later, on the way to the MRT station, I saw the desk being carried away by three uncles.
We're moving house, and we recognise that we need to dispossess ourselves of some items. The breadmaker has gone; we haven't used it for years. The desk left us last evening; there's no space for it in the new place. Plates, cups, glasses, pots, etc, were given to the garang guni man; there's only two of us in the house and we don't exactly need so many of them.
There's been quite a lot of packing. I found my tutors' final comments on my ivory tower thesis. And realised that I don't know where my official degree certificate is. Did I even receive it? Hmmm. My mum's report card from primary school emerged - she was apparently 'very talkative', haha.
And my baby photos!!! I will scan them in and post a couple of them here when I get the time. There's this glimmer of mischief in my eyes. Apparently I was quite the little devil. The cannot-sit-still type. Somehow, I'm chuckling in most of the pictures. Wonder whether I was an easily tickled baby. :p
Countless letters and postcards too. One day can compile a travel diary from all the postcards I've sent myself from all over (including the CBD :p). Cards from friends - some of whom were best of friends, and somehow we've drifted apart, and I miss them loads. Cards from people I've met once or twice, and I'm touched by their heartfelt writing, and I wanna get in touch again but I don't know how.
I wonder whether one day, this blog will be like one of my dusty shelves, and I forget what's there. Until one day, there's some need to do some urgent spring cleaning again. Hmmm.
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