
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Short-term Life Plans

Staying awake for 55 hours straight was surprisingly not that difficult. And I got to see lots of stars (35!!!) in the sky. And think about stuff that I might wanna do.

So, I have decided.

Will focus on personal development from 25 12 06 to 25 12 07.

Will consider picking up photography, oil painting, baking, cycling, music, etc.

There are some courses available at NAFA. Possibilities. But it looks like I'll miss the deadline for the January intake. And it does look a bit pricey. Would be so much cheaper to figure out by myself? :p

Maybe a diploma course, in psychology or tourism? PATH? But also quite expensive leh.

Definitely more reading. And writing. I so miss writing academia-lese. :p

Think about where to invest, and what to invest on, for both good consumption and investment returns.

Maybe get a good camera, a good desktop.


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