
Monday, May 15, 2006


Singapore is so small. This past weekend, I've seen three telly songwriting celebs.

Manhunt was himbotic. So is Mr. Tantric. Argh.

I saw myself on a replay of a video recording. I didn't quite know I move like that - a little awkward, a little pouncey, a little light and soft. Hmm.

I haven't had much opportunity to read blogs of late. Must remedy that and stay in more often. My kidneys, my kidneys, sighz.

I think my MU of going to bars has nearly intersected with whatever it's supposed to intersect. Too early in the morning to think about microeconomics.

A friend said, unless I want someone right now/then, it may be better to observe how the someone is like first. Less anguish, less rushing around. And can learn quite a bit. True true I guess.

I think I've had enough of rushing around. But then I've said this for ages.

I've been said to be emotionally distant. Reserved and restrained, that's the way I have been and that's the way I am.


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