
Sunday, January 21, 2007


A few days ago, a friend gave me a few photographs taken in 2001/2002.

Taken at the LSE; taken at Hare & Tortoise.

I was wearing this obiang green windbreaker.

I was even more of a stickman; yes, I've put on some weight over the past few years.

I was this kid.

Maybe a bit older than other kids my age, but still a kid, nonetheless.

And definitely still a teenager.

18 ... Gosh, that seems so long ago...

I was a stickman.

I'm still scrawny.

I've discovered that I can wear sizes meant for ladies / kids.

I have less zits.

I care more about having zits now.

I've discovered Clean and Clear.

I hug and kiss more.

I laugh less.

I'm glad that my face still reflects how I feel; that it's not a mask.

I know more people.

I don't know many people much more.

I've learnt a little bit from each relationship I've gained and lost.

I lost someone dear then.

I've lost someone dear recently.

I'm alone but not lonely.

I was blue.

Now I'm more of a red person.

The horoscopes say that I should consider earth colours / green.

I used to wear Disney shirts. In primary colours.

Now I'm experimenting with collared shirts. In pastels.

Not long more & I'll no longer be wearing uniforms.

Then, I look a teen.

Now, some people think I'm still a teen.

Well, I guess I'll look too young when I eventually pass from this world.

I felt old then.

I am definitely older now.

Smarter, wiser. Hopefully.

In the past 7 years, I've done a few things I wouldn't, at 19, expect myself to do.

I have no idea where I'll be in 7 more years.

7, of famine or of plenty


No longer a teenager; No more in early 20s.

Mid-20s uncle.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

What you do in your free time ...

If someone asks you what you do in your free time, what would you say?

"I hang out with friends."?

"I have no free time."?

Or maybe some pre-fabricated answer?

Would you need to think about what to say?

I do.


But it's prolly gonna be "I don't have much free time lor."


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