So what do I do on a weekend?
Well, every one of them is different and the same I guess.
Different, in that the activities themselves may not be the same.
Same, in that I try to make sure that every weekend is a mix of meeting up with friends, spending time with family, going through the internet, resting and sleeping, running errands, think about things, etc.
This weekend:
I went to Tantric and finished a Gin and Tonic too quickly for my own good, and consequently nearly strode into a speeding car on my way from Tantric to Mox.
I had pork chops at 2 am in the morning with the father, despite not being hungry.
I browsed through the Economics Ten Year Series at Big Bookshop, and have no idea how I got my grade for the S paper, let alone finish the paper in 2 hours 15 minutes.
I watched
Mrs Henderson Presents with lyraine.
I got my hair cut yet again.
I went out with NYPS schoolmates for lunch and a stroll along Orchard Road.
I was bo liao and started googling for my uni tutors. And found out that my EC325 tutor is now an Asst. Prof. in Belgium.
And then, upon reading
this thingey that my former lecturer's involved in, this being the following research programme, I so crave the access to academic journals that I used to enjoy :
It is often assumed that a fact is a fact is a fact, yet those who work across disciplinary boundaries are well aware that the life of a fact is not so simple. Even everyday experience suggests that, like gossip, facts that travel rarely remain stable. Our research programme proposes to explore the nature of evidence by adopting a consistent research design to analyse how well evidence travels between and within disciplines and to examine why evidence considered acceptable in one context retains or loses its status as evidence in another. We aim to establish a body of case work on this question of how well facts travel and to develop, for more general use, the conceptual frameworks appropriate to answering this question.I also chatted with friends online.
I think I wanna go through the A Level syllabus again. I had better refresh my memory on the MPCs and VCs and what-not, before 02/10/2007.