I think I should ...
... make some plans for 2007: what I hope to achieve next year.
Somehow, I feel that my life is stagnating.
Maybe it's because I'm presently now back where I was in Feb 2001.
But I suspect, it's mostly because I haven't grown much in the past year, and have instead become a bit numb, drifting around, trying to hold on to something, anything, nothing.
Let's see whether I come up with anything by next weekend.
Tataz. :)
I don't really keep track of dates, and usually have no idea what the date this/that day is. Therefore, many a time, I may remember that someone's birthday is coming up, but may miss wishing the boy/ger 'happy birthday'.
Today, it was only upon departure from Clementi for Tekong that I realised that, hey, it's the 29th of Oct - my mum's birthday. The last time my mum and I celebrated her birthday together was in 2001, at the Oriental, I believe. Since then, well, I have been a bit mope-y each year on this day, and on 5th of April, when memories of sudden loss would surge back.
So perhaps, it's fortunate that I've only just realised the date, and that I'm surrounded by people at the moment while writing this out on paper. No opportunity to mope.